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Quick Tip: Improving Client Communication
As a professional wedding and event planner, it is important to be very detail oriented. That includes having correct spelling and grammar when you communicate to potential clients, booked clients, and across your social media platforms.
Before sending an email, proposal, or contract, take time to read it out loud. This helps you find missing words and grammatical mistakes. It is also helpful to read blog posts and social media updates out loud before posting them. If you have an assistant or someone else on your team, they might be able to proofread important documents before you send them. It is always helpful to have another set of eyes looking over your communication.
Another helpful tip for small business owners is to ask potential clients to spell out their names for you so that you spell their name correctly on future emails and on proposals and contracts.
If you are writing something big such as an e-book or marketing brochure, consider hiring an editor from elance.com or peopleperhour.com to do a professional edit for you. This article has great tips for proofreading your own writing.
What tools or resources do you use for editing and spell checking?
A complete set of templates, checklists, and tools for professional wedding planners.
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Self Development
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I use a combination of Grammarly and Whitesmoke to help catch the small misses.
Thanks Wendy! I am definitely going to check those out!
I have software on my computer that checks spelling and grammer because I don’t always catch them. My phone is another story since it has auto correct I really half to watch it because it will change correct words to wrong ones sometimes.
Yeah, I agree. Even with the technology, I still have to proof-read carefully to make sure I didn’t leave out any words.