A complete set of templates, checklists, and tools for professional wedding planners.
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You Can Do It! NO, I can’t!
How many times have you heard this said by someone or even yourself, “It’s a new year; new year, new me!” Whether this statement is meant to be about a new workout routine, promise to oneself, finding the right career path, being that special someone, each vow comes with a plan of attack that is meant to be followed to achieve the goal.
My next question is, have you ever said this year is going to be a new start for your business? After you stuck to your business plan, worked harder than ever, put in more hours than you have before on promoting your business, and being attentive to each and every client, only to find yourself exhausted and with little to no benefits to show for it?
If that is true, then please say these next statements with me: “It’s time for a change, but I need help. I can’t do it alone.”
There is a lot of power in the words, ‘help’ and ‘no.’ Many times we believe that we can take it all on ourselves. After all, wedding planners are a jack of all trades. Have you ever watched an event planner carry 50 folding chairs, while bustling a wedding dress, pinning corsages, and directing guests to their seats all at once? That, my friends, is talent.
However, there is a difference between one day of madness and an entire year of it. There is a reason that you are not the sole person invested in your business and that is so that you can concentrate on the meat and bones of the company while others implement your ideas. Of course you want to be out there meeting with clients and planning the next wedding, but if you are always doing that, who is making sure the bills are paid, vendors are happy, and employees are trained? See where I am going with this?
Do not be afraid to say no. Maybe you are currently the head planner for six weddings, have two conferences out of town to attend, meetings with the construction crew of your office building to keep the remodel on schedule, plus your own family to be with. That is a lot for one person. It’s okay to ask an assistant or associate to fill in on a meeting as long as you set the expectation with your clients.
It is also perfectly acceptable to not take on any additional clients right now. Trust me, if you are able to allow yourself that little extra wiggle room to breathe and take a step back from business to analyze the overall scope of how things are running, you will find that while you still may be busting your back to get work done, you are able to see the rewards and enjoy the outcome!
This is a guest post from Christine Bochniak. Christine resides in Galena, IL where she works as an Author Account Manager for Kendall Hunt Publishing. She also works as a wedding coordinator part-time for her own business Rise Events Planning.
A complete set of templates, checklists, and tools for professional wedding planners.
Wedding Planning
Day in the Life
Self Development
Friday Favorites
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Wow! What a great post! I was just ponding this the other day. and how to get it all done. Great to hear that I am not alone in this!
I think we have all felt this way. Thanks for commenting Casey!