
Self Development

Why Being Uncomfortable is Good

  1. Kathy Kepler says:

    Hi, Yes, this is so true! I’ve been pushing my business to the next level, increasing my prices, working at more prominent venues, larger budget weddings, etc. It is a scary feeling, but once you do it and all works out great, you get such a great feeling of satisfaction!!

  2. Courtney says:

    Thanks for this reminder! It’s a constant struggle when launching a business and it’s reassuring that other people (even seasoned veterans) feel the same way!

  3. That is very true. I never thought about it like that! Thanks for the different perspective. 🙂

  4. I am so uncomfortable right now, but moving full steam ahead. Success does not come without change. I will certainly let you know how it goes! Your articles are always inspirational and spot on. Thanks Debbie for pouring so much heart and soul into Planners Lounge and sharing your knowledge with the communitry!

    Here’s To You

    • Debbie says:

      Thank you for the support and encouragement Kelli. I greatly appreciate it and I’m so thankful to have you in our community here!

  5. nicole says:

    Love the post, now when i feel nervous Ill remember im just growing from it.

  6. D Y McNeil says:

    Thank you for posting this, Debbie! I just read the following related article yesterday: http://zenhabits.net/discomfort/
    Clearly this is a subject I need to work on this year, so thank you for the reminder!

    • Debbie says:

      I read that too D Y. I had this post scheduled since last week and thought it was so funny that Zenhabits posted a similar concept. Thanks for sharing!

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