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3 Ways to Use Google Analytics to Improve Your Website {Part One}
Every time someone hires us to design and build a new website for their wedding business, one of the first things I want to look at is their Google Analytics. I do this because I learn so much about how their visitors view their business. I’m shocked at the response I get after I ask them to view their statistics.
About 75% of the people have heard of Google Analytics but don’t have it installed on their website and aren’t for sure why they should have it. The other 25% have it installed but haven’t looked at it since then or rarely look at it. Out of the 25% who do have it installed, an extremely small percentage, maybe 1%, actually look at their stats and study them.
My goal with this blog is to show you why you must have Google Analytics installed and how to interpret some basic data in order to measure and improve the performance of your website.
What is Google Analytics?
Google Analytics is a free tool provided by Google that generates and stores insightful statistics on how your visitors find and interact with your website.
Here are just a few of the many things you can learn about your website from using Google Analytics:
In my geeky opinion, Google Analytics is one of the most valuable tools you can utilize when trying to understand what your visitors are interested in and what they think about your website.
Why should I use Google Analytics?
Think of Google Analytics as a routine check-up with your doctor, except you will be doing it at least once a week. Every time you go to your doctor what is the first thing they do? The nurse takes your temperature, your blood pressure, your weight (the depressing part) and asks you some routine and sometimes embarrassing questions in order to compare it to the same information they collected the last time you were there for a check-up. This information helps the doctor get a snapshot of your overall health.
This is exactly what Google Analytics does for your website. It provides data that helps you view the overall health of your website, which can help you diagnose potential problems. The main problem being that visitors to your site may be confused or can’t find the information they anticipated to find.
This is why you should be using Google Analytics, and if you currently aren’t using it then start today.
How do I set up/access my Google Analytics?
If you’re ready to get started with Google Analytics it’s easy. First, you need to create your account by going here and clicking on “create an account” in the top right-hand side of the site. All you have to do is follow the instructions and insert the code Google gives you into your website. Also, this is where you can go to login to view your statistics after you have set up your account.
If you have a WordPress website there is an easy way to install the code on your website. All you need to do is upload the Google Analytics by Yoast plugin to your website and authenticate your newly set up Google Analytics account. Here are the instructions on how to do that here. If you do not have a WordPress website then check out what Google suggests to do here.
Where do I start?
In part two of this post series, I share the basics and where to start with the 3 most important stats in Google Analytics.
This is a guest post from Shea Bailey. Shea is the co-owner of Wedding Industry Rescue and Yellow Umbrella Events based out of Austin, Texas with his wife Cheryl.
A complete set of templates, checklists, and tools for professional wedding planners.
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Great post! Thanks for writing this series – I appreciate learning a fair bit more about how my analytics work. I believe there is another category of people – those who study analytics and have no idea what they mean!
That is great Alisha! So glad this post helped.
[…] Welcome to part two of using Google Analytics to improve your event planner business website. You can find part one here. […]