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Six Common Wedding Show Mistakes
For many planners, this is engagement season! Couples who were engaged over the holidays are in full research mode. This means it is also wedding show season. Wedding shows are a great way to meet many couples at once, but they are also a significant investment of time and money. Today, I want to share common wedding show mistakes and some lessons I learned from 10+ years of trial and error at various shows so you can avoid my mistakes and have a great experience.
Wedding Show Mistake #1 Poor Booth Design
The first thing attendees notice is your booth design, and in my early days, I underestimated its impact. A poorly designed booth not only fails to draw attention but may also misrepresent the quality of your services. Remember, your booth is a direct reflection of your brand. It should be inviting, clearly display your brand name, and showcase your unique style and services. I tried to cut costs with my booth design, which reflected poorly on my brand. So, before committing to any show, make sure you have the funds to create a fantastic booth.
Tips for a Winning Booth Design:
Wedding Show Mistake #2: Engaging Attendees Proactively
Another mistake was waiting for attendees to engage with me first. Being proactive is key as attendees often browse many booths. I am an introvert, so this was uncomfortable for me. I realized quickly that if I just waited for couples to approach me, I would be waiting all day. You spend the money, put yourself out there! The worst they can say is no.
Proactive Engagement Strategies:
Wedding Show Mistake #3: Not Collecting Contact Info
One of my biggest early mistakes was failing to collect contact information at shows. This oversight can cost you valuable follow-up opportunities. Shows often provide you with a list of attendees, but you might not be receiving the couple’s contact info if someone else purchased the tickets. You also want to be able to connect quickly with those who stopped at your booth 1:1, not sifting through a massive list of attendees or sending a mass email.
Strategies to Effectively Gather Attendee Information:
Wedding Show Mistake #4: Failing to Secure Consultations Immediately
I used to let potential clients leave with just a brochure and a vague promise to “think about it.” When you sense genuine interest, it’s crucial to capitalize on it immediately. When a couple is talking to you and seems interested, ask them if they would like to book a meeting! Remember, they are meeting a bunch of planners that day, and if you don’t ask, someone else will.
Tips for Securing On-the-Spot Consultations:
Wedding Show Mistake #5: Not Networking with Vendors
In the past, I focused too much on potential clients and overlooked the value of connecting with other vendors. Building relationships with vendors can lead to referrals and partnerships that bring business long after the show.
Vendor Networking Tips:
Wedding Show Mistake #6: The Follow-Up Fiasco
Not following up promptly after the show can undermine all your efforts. It’s essential to plan your follow-up strategy in advance. My advice is to follow-up in waves.
Wave 1: People you had conversations with at your booth. These emails should be personal and reference your discussions.
Wave 2: People who left their contact info at your booth, but no real conversation was had. These should also be personalized emails.
Wave 3: Email the entire show list. This could be a group email to the list provided by the show.
Effective Follow-Up Strategies:
Each of these wedding show mistakes, from booth presentation to proactive engagement and follow-up, can significantly impact your success. Implement these strategies, and watch as wedding shows become a major asset in growing your wedding planning business. It also ensures that your investment in wedding shows pays off!
Need help prepping for your next wedding show? Check out the Wedding Show Prep digital product.
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